Finance Division

Accounting section manages the bookkeeping and financial reporting of the Authority, under the direction of the Senior Accountant.

Team of the accounts branch carries out a diverse range of primary duties, all revolving around the maintenance of financial accounts and the accounting system. This section is generally hierarchical in nature; senior accountant is delegating duties to accounts officers, management assistants and accounting interns.

Accounting team members are primarily responsible for setting up, maintaining and managing Authority’s accounting system. The accounting team sets up individual accounts in the asset, liability, equity, income and expense categories, assigning unique general-ledger codes to each account and setting the system to record various transaction types in the appropriate accounts manually. They are responsible for creating a range of reports for internal users on a regular basis, using current data from the accounting system and producing financial statements for regulatory relevant parties.

Accounting departments calculate wage and salary payments for all employees on a monthly basis. The accounting team is responsible for either processing and distributing payroll checks or facilitating direct-deposit transactions. Payroll processing also includes calculating, paying out and ETF, EPF, and overtime pay. Also this section is responsible for receiving and processing incoming invoices, then remitting payment to suppliers, service providers or contractors in different ways.